

Ditch the Business Plan

Launch your first business in 21 days and take control of your future.

We all have our moments where we question what we’re doing and why we’ve chosen a certain career, job or employer. Moments where the thought of yet another day at work drains our soul and another Sunday evening filled with dread rolls around every week without fail.

No more commuting, no more office politics. Just your dream, your passion where you’re in charge.

For most, that’s all it’ll ever be. A pipedream. Something to wistfully ponder but never follow through on. It’s scary. It’s hard work. It’s unknown.

After all, what do you know about tax returns or marketing or running a business?

How could you possibly run your own business?

You don’t have the credentials or know-how to make it a success, so why bother?

Take the first step and grab your guide

The fact that you’re reading this page right now shows that you’ve got something other people don’t. You’ve got drive. When you combine that with this free guide you’ll be unstoppable.

Make the decision right now

The next part of your journey hinges on you making this decision. Whether to download this free guide that will help you plan your next business steps, or whether to walk away.

Deciding to start your own business can be that simple.

It’s scary, but straightforward.

That’s why I made this guide, to share my knowledge and experience with you and to show you how to go from confused to confident in just 21 days.

What's Included?

When you run a business you have to wear all the hats, baseball, flat cap, bowler, sombrero, beanie, bucket, you name it, you’ve got to wear it.

Setting up a business means learning about marketing, finance, IT and that can be a challenge.

Ditch the Business Plan walks you through every stage, explaining the decisions you need to make and when you need to make them.

You'll learn about:

Companies House registration & VAT

Choosing a domain and email provider

Companies House registration & VAT


Digital Marketing Strategies



...and so much more!

It’s everything you didn’t know you needed to know packaged up in an unmissable free guide.

What do I know?

I’m Amy Lester, Start-Up & Virtual-Assistant Mentor.

I’ve escaped employed life and have been running my own successful business for almost 4 years. In that time I’ve worked with businesses on streamlining their administrative processes.

I know what the issues business owners face. I know how to overcome them. I’ve seen what the areas you need to focus on are and what you should prioritise.I now work with business owners and wannabe business owners, like yourself, to show them how simple the process can be and to give them the confidence to do it. And I’ve shared how I do that with you in Ditch the Business Plan.

Made your decision yet?

What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing.

But you’ve got so much to gain. Running your own business is the most exhilarating experience and one you’ll never regret. So make the decision to peek beneath the surface and discover whether it’s something that you can do, and something you can make a success of.

I guarantee that you’ll surprise yourself.