
video Guide & email template

Turn ad hoc work into retained clients

Achieve your income goals by securing monthly retained clients.

Often one of the most difficult things about running your own business is finding work and maintaining a consistent income. Finding work as a VA is time consuming and it can be hard to know where to look and where to focus your efforts. 

Lets change that now by turning those ad hoc projects into long-term monthly retained clients.

You might well have been thinking about this for a while…

…but where do you start?

…how do you turn those ad hoc clients into established client relationships?

…and how do you show your future retained client how a monthly retainer will benefit them?

Lucky for you, you're in the right place

If you're reading this it shows that you're already serious about establishing better, long-term relationships with your clients. You’ve got the intent, the understanding and the drive. When you combine that with this free video guide & email template you’ll be unstoppable.

Get started right now

Don’t delay turning those ad hoc clients into monthly retained clients.

Just think about how you’ll feel when you know how much income you’ll be getting each month, where your work will be coming from and the exact amount of hours you’ll be working for your clients. 

You absolutely have it in you to do this. There’s no excuse for putting this off any longer. In this free video guide with email template, I’m giving you all of the information and tools to be able to approach your clients with an irresistible offer. 

What's included?

Video intro to explain the process you'll follow

Examples of tasks that can be included in a retainer

An email template for you to send to your clients

It’s everything you need to know AND have to turn all that ad hoc work into monthly retained clients.

What do I know?

I’m Amy Lester, Start-Up & Virtual-Assistant Mentor Recently featured in Techround

I live just outside Birmingham, UK in a tiny village with one shop.

With over a decade of experience in Business Administration, Operations and Marketing, I’ve seen it all. I work with my clients on regaining their time so they can focus on taking their business to the next level.

I’ve been in a job I ended up hating, hitting a glass ceiling and wished this knowledge was handed to me when I first started out. It’s now my passion to share my experiences with you and help you from making the mistakes I’ve seen.

Are you ready to get started?

Let's get you closer to achieving your income goals

Once you read my free guide you’ll realise that turning your ad hoc work into retained clients is easier than you think. In the time it takes you to drink a coffee you’ll know exactly which services lend themselves well to retained clients and how to approach your ad hoc client with a compelling (and realistic) offer. You’ll also be able to edit my email template to send over to your client, so there’s no need to spend ages procrastinating about how to communicate your offer with them.

Get your video guide & email template